TSS Ramps Up Inspection Services at Olin Freeport
Building on its existing partnership with Olin, Turner Specialty Services (TSS) has expanded its inspection services team at the Olin site in Freeport, Texas, with the addition of 22 experienced professionals. The new employees, who rolled over from another inspection company, include ground X-ray technicians, API inspectors, CAD technicians, and data/compliance clerks. With over 60 TSS employees on site, the addition of this rope access and inspection personnel reflects Turner’s successful track record with Olin. It also demonstrates Turner’s ability to deliver a ONE Solution service model and provide the highest standards of quality, safety, and efficiency.

Turner Specialty Services has expanded its inspection services team at the Olin site in Freeport, Texas. The new employees include ground X-ray technicians, API inspectors, CAD technicians, and data/compliance clerks.

TSS has helped ensure the integrity and reliability of industrial assets for decades. We look forward to playing an ongoing role in Olin’s continued success in Freeport.
jonathon Garay, site manager for TSS at Olin Freeport.