Turner Industries Completes Complex Scaffolding Project for Seaboard Energy in Kansas
Turner Industries’ SIPA group has completed a comprehensive scaffolding project for Seaboard Energy in Hugoton, Kansas.
Turner’s SIPA group was contracted for work including erecting, supporting during turnaround activities, and dismantling engineered scaffold for catalyst dumping and reloading on reactors, as well as insulation and painting for the outage. SIPA also provided full-service scaffolding, insulation, and painting for the entire outage.
Turner employees have worked more than 20,000 hours on this project with zero recordables. Turner Specialty Services (TSS) and Specialized Welding Services (SWS) have also supported the project. TSS performed catalyst and hydroblasting services, and SWS’ scope of work during the turnaround has included turnaround execution, welding services, bolt torquing, bundle extraction, and equipment maintenance.
I am extremely proud of the SIPA team that is leading the charge for this group into the Midwest. They have done an incredible job representing Turner as a whole, and we look forward to more opportunities in this region.
Turner Industries SIPA Area Manager Hayden Moore
67 ft Length x 28 ft Width x 95 ft HeightSCAFFOLD DIMENSIONS
7,410 ft, which was designed to withstand a top deck load of 10,000 lbsLENGTH OF LEG SUPPORT