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70,000-Pound Tank Lifted to Fourth Floor

Turner Industries’ crane and rigging group recently lifted a 70,000-pound tank into the fourth floor of the Louisiana Sugar Refining building in Gramercy, Louisiana, by using a 265-ton hydraulic crane to lift the structure and a 155-ton hydraulic crane as the tail crane to maneuver the tank from a horizontal to vertical position. Since the roof was not removed, the lift was completed with only approximately 5 inches of clearance from the top of the cantilever bar to a 4-inch valve that could not be removed from the building, along with a small side-to-side clearance.

With only two days of work, the crew safely lifted the tank into its position. Although the cantilever bar is a tried-and-true tool for basic crane operation, the application in such restricted environments with limited space required precision and coordination. 

Thanks to the expertise of our Turner Industries team—two operators, two oilers, and two riggers—the project was completed on time without incident. 

Turner Industries lifted this 70,000-pound tank to the fourth floor of a Louisiana Sugar Refining building. 

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