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Turner Industrial Maintenance: Onboard and Upward at Shell Polymers in Pennsylvania

Turner Industrial Maintenance has expanded its operations to include the Shell Polymers facility in Monaca, Pennsylvania. The transition was completed in under 30 days and involved the successful onboarding of over 300 workers.

The foundation of this transition was the strategic deployment of experienced leaders who brought a wealth of industry knowledge and a deep-rooted relationship with Shell. Turner embedded its leadership team onsite to ensure a smooth takeover, prioritizing a culture focused on safety, excellence, and accountability.

Key operational advancements were implemented to enhance both productivity and safety at the site. One of the primary initiatives was a “time on tools” evaluation, a process that highlighted opportunities to maximize productive work time while minimizing downtime. 

As part of this transition, Turner introduced cutting-edge technology, which included the Turner Tablet Applications and a small-tool tracking software. By digitizing jobsite operations, this enabled Turner to provide better resource management and reduce time spent on administrative tasks. 

“With our ability to manage every aspect of maintenance—from routine tasks to large-scale turnarounds and additional site requirements—our one-solution approach helps enable Shell to streamline operations and benefit from consistent, reliable service,” said Turner Industrial Maintenance General Manager Neal McCleary.

The Shell Polymers facility in Monaca, Pennsylvania, received Shell’s Quarterly SVP Award for exceptional collaboration, communication, and swift execution during the transition between Shell and Turner Industrial Maintenance.

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