TSS Dock Connecting Crew Ensures Safe Product Transfers for ExxonMobil in Baton Rouge
TSS’ dock connecting crew at the ExxonMobil facility in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, plays a crucial role in ensuring the transfer of products between ships or barges and storage tanks is executed with precision and care.
The dock connecting crew is tasked with a range of responsibilities that require the transfer of various liquid products. Once the initial connections are made, the role of the crew evolves. The process of transferring products is overseen by the person in charge, who coordinates closely with the dock controller, multiple product controllers, and the vessel’s chief mate or the barge’s tankerman. This collaboration ensures that all necessary valves are correctly opened and closed, safeguarding the environment and ensuring an efficient transfer process.
A Multitude of Products, A Team of Experts
The docks managed by TSS handle a range of products—approximately 40 different types. These include various fuels (jet fuels, gasoline grades, diesel fuels, and heating oil fuels), different grades of oils (crude oils, light cycle crude oil, pyrolysis gasoline, and light kerosene gas oil), as well as lube products, caustics, and coker feed. The ability to handle such a diverse portfolio requires a team with a deep understanding of both the products and the equipment used in their transfer.
A Dedicated Team for 24/7 Operations
The operation of the dock crew is supported by a team of 24 personnel, providing round-the-clock coverage throughout the year. The dock connecting crew has maintained an exceptional safety record with zero recordable injuries spanning more than 13 years. In recognition of this commitment to safety, the dock crew received the 2022 and 2023 ExxonMobil Silver Award for outstanding safety achievement.

TSS Dock Connecting Crew Spotlight: Calvin Brown
Calvin Brown is one of Turner Specialty Services’ four dedicated shift foremen. In his role, Calvin ensures that all five members of his team perform their job responsibilities safely and efficiently.
A hands-on leader, Calvin actively participates with his dock control coordinators (DCCs) in connecting and disconnecting cargo hoses or loading arms from barges and ships at the dock. He also assists with mooring and sailing ships.
In addition to his responsibilities at the dock, Calvin and his DCCs are also tasked with making offsite unit rounds and assisting the ExxonMobil site team leader with unit control operations.